Any company that spends some of their finances in development will be eligible to claim R&D tax back. In terms of what you can develop, well – as long as you’re developing some kind of new product, a process, or developing a service, you should be eligible.
Here is our quick eligibility checklist to help you figure out whether you might be eligible for a R&D claim:
- You have a limited company that is based in and operates in the UK.
- That company is subject to corporation tax.
- You have worked on research and development projects that are qualified for R&D tax credits.
- You have spent company finances on those projects.
Still unsure whether or not your company qualifies? You would be surprised how many different sectors have R&D companies that are eligible for R&D tax credits. Everything from cosmetics to mechanical engineering has the potential to claim. And we’re not saying that a section outside of those wouldn’t be able to – they’re just our examples.
Aerospace companies with R&D projects can claim, so can construction companies, telecommunication companies, breweries, and even the food & beverage industry.
It’s less about what sector your company works in and more about how your company has elevated the research and development of that sector.